Our team welcomes clients at the airport, provides them with a home-cooked meal, and begins to orient them to their new life. We take care of everything refugees need upon arrival, such as finding and furnishing a new home, scheduling initial medical screenings, enrolling in all eligible social services, and registering children for school. NICE’s Reception and Placement (R&P) team is here to break down barriers and ensure that the transition from life as a refugee to a life of self-sufficiency in America goes as smoothly as possible.
NICE is honored to welcome refugees from around the world to Nashville.
Resettlement Support Services
When refugees arrive in America, they receive limited monetary assistance from the government to adjust to their new life. That money is rarely enough for a family to exist, and it does not last long.
The NICE Refugee Support Services (RSS) program focuses on assisting our new neighbors who have been in the United States for less than five years prepare for and obtain employment so they can become self-sufficient. This also includes assistance with transportation and childcare.
Refugee Support Services
The RSS Program provides job exploration support, resume assistance, job application assistance, referral services, job placement and follow up services.
Refugee Cash Assistance
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) is an eight-month, employment-based eligibility program that assists our clients financially while searching for a job. This program also gives our clients access to ESL classes to improve their English abilities.
Refugee Medical Assistance
Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is used when our clients do not fit the criteria for TennCare. New arrival refugees can be enrolled for up to eight months. With this program, we are able to ensure that all of our clients have access to medical care in the United States.
Match Grant
The Match Grant program is an alternative option to Refugee Cash Assistance. Through this program, refugees pursue economic and employment stability without using publicly- funded cash assistance. For their first four to six months in America, refugees receive housing and a cash allowance, as well as employment-seeking assistance and case management. Match Grant is designed to help those refugees with higher levels of education find employment quickly, promoting self-sufficiency and reducing the need for government assistance.
NICE can help support refugee/asylees who have been here up to 3 years with benefits such as SNAP, Families First, and WIC. This program also ensures that refugees/asylees have the skills to understand, navigate, and use the benefits system independently to support their families.
To determine eligibility for Refugee Support Services,
call (615) 315-9681.